Released: Sep 01,2016
℗2016 M-factory
New release
Shun Komatsubara's new album "Hakushū"
We have released this album to the worldwide at the same time, in iTunes, at 110 countries. (In countries other than Japan)
Please search for "Shun Komatsubara" in your iTunes.
And please share this news to your friends, who love guitar music.
We want many people to listen to "Shun Komatsubara's music", it is our hope.
This is official site of Shun Komatsubara who is a Japanese finger-style guitarist.
He composes very attractive instrumental music and plays it.
MP3 sample
WHALE (recorded by "SCENE")
BUNMEIKAIKA(means "civilization and enlightenment". recorded by "DEAR+2")
He has already released four original albums ("SCENE","Naturally","DEAR+2","Crayons").
And he gigs around in Australia, US and constantly in Japan.
Currently, information by English is this page only.
Thank you for your visiting.

Born in Shimonoseki- city, Japan in 1958.
He got first guitar, when he was 14.
From 1985, his career has started with several famous singers recording as a accompanist.
but he always dreamed be a solo finger picking guitarist.
In 1990 spring, He made big success at his first solo concert.
In 1992 ,He released first Album 「DEAR」. Highly recommended by Acoustic Guitar Magazine.
Again, his second career started as a Finger picking guitarist, that he wants to be.
Recently, He joined with Peter Finger, Preston Reed, Franco morone, Ed Gerhard.
Also he played in Australia and Hong Kong too.
He constantly released Albums. We can hear 4 Albums now.
He is a one of the pioneer finger picking Guitarist in Japan.
His compositions are beautiful, and gorgeous sound with unpeccable technique.